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Robert Watercolor Flower

Painting Spectacular Flowers in Watercolor with Robert O'Brien

Join full time artist and national and international workshop instructor, Robert J. O’Brien AWS NWS-M in this unique offering at the Center for the Arts (CFA) brand new space. With over fifty years of painting experience and many esteemed art awards, Robert J. O’Brien will bring his expertise to the CFA community in this engaging class.



March 22 at the Center for the Arts

This one-day workshop will focus on “Painting Spectacular Flowers”. This course is open to all levels of painting ability. Students will learn basic floral painting techniques, with an emphasis on values and composition. Layering and blending color into soft edges will also be taught. The course will focus on painting from close-up photo references of flowers in an artistic setting with spectacular results. A critique and class discussion will be held at the end of the session.


When: March 22nd from 10am-4pm

Where: Center for the Arts, 428 Main Street, New London (Creative Classroom)

Cost: $120 + materials per student


This class is open to all painting abilities with some watercolor experience suggested.


This is an experience not to miss! Sign up today

Materials List Here


A Block of good quality Watercolor Paper, I recommend Arches 140 lb. cold pressed, recommended sizes: 9 x 12in, 10 x 14in, 11 x 14in or 12 x 16in


Brushes: A blend or natural bristle brush. There are however, some good quality blend and synthetic brushes such as the W&N Sceptre Gold and the Escoda Versatil series.


            # 6 round

            # 8 round

            # 10 round

            # 12 round

            1 inch flat

            ½ or ¼ in. flat (optional)

            1 ½ in. flat


Paints: some suggested colors, Winsor & Newton or any Professional Artists Grade paint   * colors I use more frequently


            Cadmium Red and/or Scarlet Lake

            Quinacridone Rose *

            Quinacridone Violet

            Green Gold

            Shadow Green (Holbein) or Perylene Green *

            Sap Green *

            French Ultramarine Blue *

            Indanthrene Blue *

            Cerulean Blue (M.Graham) *

            Cobalt Blue

            Cadmium Yellow

            New Gamboge *

            Lemon Yellow

            Yellow Ochre

            Naples Yellow

            Brilliant Orange (Holbein) *

            Burnt Sienna

           Burnt Umber 

            Sepia *

            Neutral Tint or Paynes Gray *

            Dioxazine Purple *


Palette - 12”x16” - John Pike or any other brand w/ cover and a large mixing area

Other suggested items; sketchbook, a gray scale value chart, spray bottle, water container, paper towels or sponge, hairdryer, an H pencil, erasure, ruler, masking fluid.

Artist Bio


Robert J. O’Brien is a full time artist and popular local, national and international
workshop instructor. He has been painting in watercolor for over fifty years and studied art at the State University of NY at Buffalo as well as with noted artists such as Tony Couch and the late Marshall Joyce AWS NA. He is a signature member of the American, National (Master Signature) and New England Watercolor Societies, among others. He recently won the Bronze Medal at the 2024 Signature Members Show of the New England Watercolor Society held at the Guild of Boston Artists and the Image Resolutions Award at the North American Biennial Exhibition of the New England Watercolor Society. He also received the Mary Bryan Memorial Award for Watercolor at the 72 nd Academic Artists National Exhibition at Arts Center East in Vernon CT, Robert was the Juror of Awards for the 39 th Adirondacks National Exhibition of American Watercolors, in Old Forge, NY, and co-Juror of Awards for the 151 st International Exhibition of the American Watercolor Society. He was recently featured in the 40 th Anniversary issue of the Artists Magazine. Robert serves as the Scholarship Chair for the American Watercolor Society. He lives and paints in Weathersfield, Vermont and teaches workshops throughout the United States, and abroad.


Reach out if you have any questions, we're happy to help.

844-5NH-ARTS (564-2787)

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