NEW LONDON, NH - Now Open! The Center for the Arts announces its 4th Annual Teen
Writers competition for local writers between the ages of 12 and 18 years old. The competition is open until December 15th, 2023, when submissions are due through email. The entries will be judged by a local author and Colby-Sawyer College professor, Megan Baxter. Winners of each genre will receive prizes from local businesses and a publication in Teen Writers Journal Entries.
This contest is open to all young writers between the ages of 12 and 18 who live in Andover,
Bradford, Danbury, Grantham, New London, Newbury, Newport, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Warner, and Wilmot, New Hampshire, the competition includes entries for three categories including short fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction.
For the short fiction genre, writers are encouraged to submit a best short story and flash fiction piece. Submissions up to 4,000 words, either one essay or memoir or several shorter pieces totaling 4,000 words.
Creative nonfiction pieces are true stories, creatively crafted. Submissions should be up to
4,000 words, either one essay or memoir or several shorter pieces totaling 4,000 words.
Lastly, poetry of all styles are welcome to be submitted to the competition, where poets can
submit up to five poems.
“Our local community is a source for many talented young writers who are inspired by the
natural beauty surrounding them, small town life and world events. We hope this year's contest continues to attract more and more authors and poets to express their creative styles,” competition coordinator Jean Spaulding said.
Submissions should be emailed to submissions@cfanh.org and include the writer's name,
address, email, name of a teacher the writer would like to recognize, grade, school, genre and title of the submission by December 15th, 2023. Winners for each category will be announced in early 2024.
The Center for the Arts supports over 100 area arts and related businesses and provides
opportunities for artists to create, perform, or write. The Center for the Arts mission is to
enrich lives by supporting, promoting, and connecting literary, performance, and visual
artists of all ages to our communities.