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Celebrate the Written Word with The Center for the Arts and The Annual 2025 Poetry Contest

New London, NH: The Center for the Arts is honored to partner with The Newbury Public Library and the Inkwell Writers’ Alliance in celebrating poetry and The Newbury Library and the John Hay Literary Society’s annual 2025 poetry contest. The theme of this year’s contest is The Four (or More) Seasons in New Hampshire. Three winners from the adult category, as well as one winner each from the high school, middle school, and elementary school categories, will be honored and invited to read their poems during CFA’s public First Friday event sponsored by The Newbury Public Library and the Inkwell Writers’ Alliance. The judge for the contest is poet Laurie Zimmerman, author of the poetry collections, Bright Exit and Hidden Branches, and a recipient of numerous poetry awards.

Interested in submitting? Poets may submit one (1) original unpublished poem inspired by the theme, with poems typed in 12 point or larger font, and no longer than one 8.5 x 11-inch page.  Poems should be submitted by mail to Dianalee Velie, PO Box 290, Newbury, NH 03255, (603) 938-2734, Send two (2) copies of your poem: one copy including your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, and a second copy with no identifying information. Contestants who want to receive a list of contest winners should also submit a stamped, self-addressed envelope with their entries. Submissions should be received by March 12th, 2025. There is no fee for submission.

This First Friday event will be hosted by The Newbury Public Library and held on April 4th, 2025 at 933 Route 103, Newbury NH 03255. The event is free and open to the public, no charge for admission, and refreshments will be served.

Event Details:

- Date: Friday, April 4

- Time: 5:30pm - 7:30pm

- Location: Newbury Public Library (Newbury, NH)

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