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Bill Balsam


Artist’s Statement

Photography has the ability to change the way people view the world -

by capturing a memorable moment in time, by making the ordinary

look extraordinary, by making the minuscule look enormous and by

exploring details of a world we unseeingly pass in our rush to be

somewhere. I work witht a variety of images both black and white

(B&W) and color with subjects ranging from seascapes to red peppers.

All my images are minimally processed and are AI and Photoshop


Artist’s Bio

Bill Balsam is a retired professor of geology. As a geologist he used

photography to document landscapes, their underlying geology and the

fine details of rocks, especially fossils. The sweeping landscapes of

the southwest, including dunes and deserts, have been favorite subjects

of his photography. After moving to New Hampshire his focus

changed to the more compact, wooded landscapes of New England as

well as New England’s rugged Atlantic coast. Bill can often be found

wandering the back roads on his bike, paddling ponds in his kayak or

exploring old barns and buildings looking for interesting photographic


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