Enriching Community Through the Arts

The Center for the Arts' mission is to enrich lives by supporting, promoting, and connecting literary, performance, and visual artists of all ages to our communities.
The Center for the Arts' vison is to create a space where artists of all disciplines enrich their community.
Programs per year
People in the region
In scholarship funds
awarded in past three years
In artist gross sales for 2024

Homeward Bound Painting by Mary Borowski
The Center for the Arts Lake Sunapee Region (CFA) is a non-profit organization with a volunteer board, which supports visual artists, performers, writers, and arts organizations in the communities of Andover, Bradford, Danbury, Grantham, New London, Newbury, Newport, Springfield, Sunapee, Sutton, Warner, and Wilmot. CFA also serves the 32,000 residents of these communities by providing quality affordable cultural programming all year-long.
Before the creation of the CFA, there were few programs in the Lake Sunapee Region/Kearsarge which offered free and affordable arts events for all ages, nor was there an organization which supported the many creative individuals in this region.
Since 2010, the CFA has been developing and growing programs that connect artists with the community. CFA has established itself as an integral part of the Lake Sunapee community beginning with microgallery exhibits in local businesses, and later educational, literary, performance, and humanities programs and events.
The CFA is a non-profit organization that provides a variety of creative, educational, and enriching community events which expand opportunities for artists to share their work and gain visibility.
By offering educational grants and scholarships, the CFA supports those who dream of becoming artists and those who inspire others to achieve that dream.
The CFA seeks out artists who want their voices to be heard and broadens the public’s awareness of their art through events, shows, programs, and collaborations with other like-minded organizations.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The affairs, bylaws, recommendations and resolutions of the Association shall be in compliance with all Federal and State statues concerning equal opportunity, and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, ancestry or disability, and further shall promote a workplace free of sexual harassment. Programs are held in venues meeting ADA requirements.
The Center for the Arts makes every effort to make our programs accessible to all regardless of economic or physical limitations. If you have a specific need, please contact us prior to the event.